Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Tutorial Pembuatan Logo Facebook di Coreldraw

Siapa yang tidak mengenal Facebook? Situs yang diciptakan oleh mahasiswa Harvard bernama Mark Zuckerberg ini, memang sangat fenomenal! Dalam waktu yang relatif singkat, situs jejaring sosial ini telah memikat hati jutaan orang penggunanya. Bahkan mengungguli popularitas situs sejenis yang merupakan pendahulunya, Friendster. Keunikan, kemudahan dan banyaknya fitur (fasilitas) yang ditawarkan, barangkali menjadi penyebab mengapa Facebook begitu diminati. Selain itu, logonya yang sederhana dan menarik menjadi magnet yang akan selalu mengingatkan orang akan situs ini. Trik berikut ini, akan coba menjelaskan langkah-langkah pembuatan logo Facebook menggunakan CorelDRAW X4.
  1. Pertamakali tekan Ctrl+N untuk membuat kanvas kerja baru.
  2. Pilih Rectangle Tool atau tekan F6.
  3. Sambil menekan Ctrl, tekan dan geser Rectangle Tool untuk membuat kotak segiempat sama sisi (kubus).
  4. Pastikan kubus dalam keadaan terpilih. Pada Property Bar, rubah ukuran lebar menjadi 5 CM dan tinggi 5 CM. Setelah selesai tekan P untuk menempatkan kubus tepat di tengah kanvas kerja.
  5. Tekan F4 untuk memperbesar tampilan kubus.
  6. Pilih Shape Tool atau tekan F10. Kemudian tarik node yang ada di sudut kiri atas ke arah dalam untuk membuat sudut-sudut kubus melengkung.
  7. Tekan F11 untuk memunculkan kotak dialog Fountain Fill. Kemudian atur beberapa spesifikasi seperti contoh di bawah ini. Setelah selesai tekan OK.

  8. Pilih Pick Tool kemudian klik di sembarang tempat untuk melepaskan pilihan pada objek kubus.

  9. Pilih kembali Rectangle Tool atau tekan F6. Buat sebuah kotak persegi panjang dan tempatkan di posisi atas kubus.

  10. Sama seperti pada objek kubus, lengkungkan sudut-sudut kotak persegi panjang tersebut menggunakan Shape Tool.
  11. Tekan F11. Pada kotak dialog Fountain Fill atur beberapa spesifikasi seperti contoh di bawah ini. Setelah selesai tekan OK.

  12. Tekan Outline kemudian pilih None untuk menghilangkan garis outline.
  13. Pilih Transparency.
  14. Pada Property Bar, pilih type: Linear dan angle: -90.

  15. Pilih Text Tool atau tekan F8. Tulis huruf "f" menggunakan font: Arial Bold, ukuran: 150 pt dan warna: putih. Geser dan tempatkan huruf dengan "f" seperti contoh di bawah ini.

Begitulah cara membuat logo Facebook di coreldraw. Walaupun disini saya menggunakan coreldraw X4 tapi secara umum langkah2 ini bisa di gunakan di coreldraw versi lainnya.

Terima kasih telah berkunjung ke Blog saya.

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Argumentative essay "Smartphone"

Argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner or in simple word is papers that contain your opinion about a topic. argumentative essay is usually consist in three part :
  1. Introducing paragraph in the first paragraph that contain thesis statement
  2. Body paragraph that usually consist in three or more paragraph
  3. Conclusion in the last paragraph that contain your advice and the reason why the reader have to agree with you

Although, argumentative essay is about your opinion but your opinion must based on the fact because the purpose of argumentative essay to convince the reader and make them agree with your opinion. If your opinion is not based on the fact how you can make the reader agree with you.

This is the example of argumentative essay

The Advantages of Smartphones

Long time ago, people had to write a letter to communicate with each other and they sent it by pigeon post or messenger. Some of people wanted to make it easier. Therefore, they made some inventions such as telegraph, radio, telephone, and the newest is mobile phone. Now, Mobile phone has become an important thing for people. In fact, some of them consider that mobile phone is a part of their life because it supports their daily activities. They need it to keep connecting with their job, friends, and family. Therefore, they have to choose the best one and I think smartphone has become the best solution for them because smartphone is a mobile phone that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary feature phone. In my opinion, smartphone technology is more sophisticated than feature phone because of its operating system, various program, utility.

Firstly, which making different with feature cellphone is smartphone have operating system. Operating system is a platform in your device where you can implant the program or application to make the device is working. It seems like a blank paper that you can write anything on the top of it. You can set in many application such as games, multimedia application, ebooks, etc. but if you want implant those application to your smartphone you have to understand about operating system of your smartphone because every operating system of smartphone is different depend of their provider company such as Nokia is usually use Symbian as operating system for their product, Blackberry is usually use blackberry operating system, but now Nokia and some of provider mobile phones use Android as operating system for their product. One more advantages of smartphone is for people who have a good grip of operating system, they can use smartphone for increasing their intelligence and knowledge with create modification in their smartphone. Therefore, operating system is the most important part of your smartphone. They usually add any application, delete some application, or they probably create their own application. So, their smartphone looks more sophisticated than before now. I think this is the best way for us to be economically.

Secondly, smartphone application have good availability. Some of you probably think “how I can find the application?”. Do not worry, in this era you can find anything what you want easily. You can find it on the internet, worldwide network where you can share anything with other people in the world. you only need find the site, for example Smartphone-software.handster.com, e-bay, etc. or you can find it in the official site of your smartphone. you can also use search engine like google.com, yahoo.com, msn.com,etc. to find others site. Something that you have to know if you want get it, you will not get it free. So, you have to spend extra money.

Finally, it’s the utility. Smartphone has two function. It can be communication device and computing device. As communication device, Smartphone have a great performance when we use it. For example, you can send an e-mail with this device beside you can send a sms and call someone. The user is also can used it for chat with other user. As computing device, smartphone have the operating system and processing power similar to a small computer. You can see it when you browse on the internet, smartphone can process data from server and converting data in files, videos, or picture to show it to the user. Moreover, smartphone has features that facilitate productivity – like document and presentation viewers; or media players such as music players and FM receivers.

In my opinion, smartphone is the best invention had found. Its very sophisticated because it has many advantages such as operating system, the availability, and the utility. I suggest you to have it especially for you who really need gadget to support your duty. Try it and prove it by your self.

That all from me. I hope you got something from my blog and I hope you are not only copy my essay but also learn it. I give you my essay free to guide you when you want to write an argumentative essay and I suggest you to make the outline first before write an essay because it can help you. Thanks for reading.

Nasi Goreng Sleepy

Liburan ga ada kerjaan (yaaahh bete), ga ada yang ngajak jalan(yaaahh bete), sendirian di rumah ga ada makanan (yaaahh bete), ga ada PR ( yessss thanks God). Berhubung nyokap gw baru beli blender baru. Mendingan bikin nasi goreng aja yuuukk!!( ga nyambung ???) sekalian buat ngetes tuh blender walaupun gw jg ga yakin blender bisa dipake bwt bikin nasi goreng hhee tpi kayaknya bisa sih bwt ngalusin bumbunya doang. Yaudah, langsung aj ya gw bakal ngasih tau resep nasi goreng sleepy :

Alat-alat :

  1. Blender (bwt menghaluskan bumbu)
  2. Penggorengan (usahain penggorengannya punya sendiri ya, jangan ngambil atau minjem dari tetangga)
  3. Spatula ( bukaan...bukaan yang ada di kaki itu mah sepatu, Spatula itu alat yang di pakai untuk membalikkan makanan yang sedang di masak)
  4. Kompor ( yaiyalah namanya juga nasi goreng, gimana mau goreng kalau ga ada kompornya)

Bahan-bahan utama :

  1. Nasi putih 2 piring
  2. Bawang merah 5 siung
  3. Bawang putih 2 siung
  4. Cabai merah 3-5 buah ( gw ga begitu suka pedes)
  5. Garam & Gula secukupnya
  6. Telur 1 butir ( lebih juga gapapa)
  7. Kecap manis

Bahan tambahan :

  1. Ayam
  2. Daging sapi
  3. Udang
  4. Cumi
  5. dll

Cara membuatnya

  1. Haluskan bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai, telur dengan cara di blender. Tapi kalau telurnya mau di bikin mata sapi atau di dadar juga gapapa sih sesuai selera aja.
  2. Panaskan minyak secukupnya
  3. Tumis bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan sampai harum, kalau ga harum tambahin aja minyak wangi wkwkwkwk. tek tek juss (jayuss) next step
  4. Karena buat bikin nasi goreng jadi minyak wanginya yang murah juga gapapa ( masih aja dibahas) next
  5. Setelah itu masukan bahan pelengkap (jika ada)
  6. Dan jangan sampai ketinggalan nasinya.

dan nasi goreng pun siap di sajikan di jamin eeennnnaaaakkkk deh ( HOOEEEEKKK = mau muntah). Berikut gambar nasi gorengnya :

Kalau diliat-liat standar banget ya nasi gorengnya tapi terserah gw dong kan ala gw sendiri. hehehe.

Kalau yang ini gambar nasi goring yang udah sebagian di makan ama gw (ga penting bgt ya)

Kalau yang ini poto gw lagi makan piringnya soalnya nasinya udah habis tapi belum kenyang. Tapi gw bukan pemain kuda lumping loh (lebih ga penting)

NB : oiya karena namanya nasi goreng sleepy jadi walaupun nasinya 2 piring lw harus memakannya seorang diri. Knaps begitu?. Karena sesuai namanya "Nasi Goreng Sleepy" jadi lw harus memakannya seorang diri ( hah? makin ga ngerti??). Iya, jadi lw harus makan sendirian tanpa di bantu orang lain sehingga memberikan efek kekenyangan dan kalau orang udah kekenyangan pasti ngantuk kan. Itulah kenapa disebutnya nasi goreng sleepy. Dan kalau porsi 2 piring blom membuat lw merasa kenyang ya tambahin aj jadi 3 piring, klo 3 piring blom merasa kenyang juga ya tambahin aj jadi 4 piring, kalau 4 piring blom kenyang juga makan aja sekalian piring sama penggorengannya kayak gw. okeh. salam sleepy bye.

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Ayah - Rinto harahap

Dimana…akan kucari
Aku menangis seorang diri
Hatiku….s`lalu ingin bertemu
Untukmu…aku bernyanyi

Lihatlah…hari berganti
Namun tiada seindah dulu
Datanglah..aku ingin bertemu
Untukmu…aku bernyanyi

Untuk ayah tercinta, daku ingin bernyanyi
Dengan air mata di pipiku…
Ayah, dengarkanlah aku ingin berjumpa
Walau hanya dalam mimpi…

You can download this song here and this is my cover on piano

Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Feelings covered by me

This is my second video for shared with you. I Hope you like it.
